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The artist is a mystical entity with dark concerns. His foolishness being equivalent to his passion, his favourite hobby is to conceive. The artist must be total, or else he’ll be dead.

Combining happening, sculpture, electroacoustic composition and drawing, mixing different medias offer me a way to create news forms of art. How can we extract music from a mass of noise, a shape from an inert pile of clay ? How can we make it perceptible to others? What do we have to offer ?

Being impulsive, I explore these concepts: private and public spaces between me and the viewer, discomfort, our place and relation towards institutions and the art market that is growing ever bigger. 


I develop these questions using different mediums like sound poetry, corporal and vocal performances, acousmatic compositions using field and voice recordings, associate with live electronic synthesis and modifications. I'm also using sound installations, volumes, audio-visual, drawing and painting to improve this practice.



2018-2019 : Professionalization course in electroacoustic composition
Cité de la musique et de la danse
@ Strasbourg

2016-2018 : DNSEP (master) graduation with jury's honors

Haute École des Arts du Rhin 

@ Strasbourg

2013-2016 : DNAP (bachelor) graduation 

Haute École des Arts du Rhin

@ Strasbourg

2012-2013 : Preparatory class 

Fine Arts of Lyon

@ Lyon

Concerts and exhibitions

Upcoming events :


@ Le Générateur, Théâtre de Vanves, COAX, Paris / Why Note, Dijon

Solo performance "Dialogue impraticable"


@ Chair de poule, Paris

Free improvisation, sound poetry and talk-box during "Broken impro"


@ Graffalgar, Strasbourg
"Comtesse du ghetto" live concert


@ Instants chavirés, 26 Chaises gallery, Paris
Live electroacoustic concert "Cantate pour larsen"





@ Le Générateur, Gentilly
Solo performance "La musique occidentale s'oxyde un peu"

@ Mama music and convention, Paris
Winner of the "La nouvelle onde" award in the "Entrepreneurial artist" category

@ Le Local, Strasbourg
Concert "Comtesse du ghetto" on invitation of Ultratech Records

@ L'elastic, Strasbourg
Concert "Comtesse du ghetto" on invitation of "Néo-Plouk Label

@ Church of Vroncourt-la-Côte
Programming of the group "Codario"

@ Paris
Winner of the call for projects of the COAX collective

@ La Maison Rose, Strasbourg

Co-organization and participation as "Comtesse du ghetto" at the launch party of Rhizaria Records





@ Le Local, Strasbourg
Concert "Comtesse du ghetto" on invitation of "Néo-Plouk Label"

@ Molodoï, Strasbourg
Concert "Comtesse du ghetto" during the fourth edition of the "Femfest

@ Bronshoj Vandtarn, Copenhagen
Organization of the third edition of the festival "Ligojn" in co-production with the local collective "Noisy Beehive" and solo performance "Summoning the void"

@ Stoberiet, Copenhagen
Concert "Comtesse du ghetto" at MEGA FCK FESTIVAL





@ Asile 404, Marseille
Organization of the festival "Ligojn #2" and participation as "Comtesse du ghetto"
Concerts and exhibition




@ Cité de la musique et de la danse, Strasbourg
Presentation of an acousmatic piece during the second semester audition

@ La Barrak, Saint-Pierre Chérignat
Solo performance "How to avoid social interaction as an artist"

@ Diamant d'or, Strasbourg
Organization of the launch party of the association "Incessante" and solo performance "How to avoid social interaction as an artist"

@ Cité de la musique et de la danse, Strasbourg
Presentation of an acousmatic piece during the first semester audition





@ Salle de l'Aubette, Strasbourg
Participation in the opening night "Wemerge" of the festival "Exhibitronic" with my performance "How to avoid social interaction as an artist"

@ Molodoï, Strasbourg
Rap concert "Comtesse du ghetto" feat Nygel Panasco

@ Pose gallery, Istanbul
Performance "How to avoid social interaction as an artist" at the festival "A perfect day for bananafish"

@ Dar lamifa, Marseille
Concert during the experimental music festival "Enfin Seule"

@ Diamant d'or, Strasbourg
Organization of the launching festival of my collective "Ligojn" and participation with my performance "Teratogenic symptoms" / Concerts and exhibition

@ Cité de la musique et de la danse, Strasbourg
Presentation of an acousmatic piece during the end of semester auditions

@ MAMCS Strasbourg
Phonon #6, Solo concert and rap concert "Sorority" with Céline Jiang@ Cryogénie, Strasbourg
"Sorority" rap concert with Celine Jiang as part of the "Femfest"

@ La Chaufferie, Strasbourg
Phonon #5, Presentation of my performance "Safety protocol" and improvisation on the Hulusi flute with Céline Jiang




@ Le Matt'ou, Strasbourg
First part of the concert of Méryll Ampe for the festival "Exhibitronic".

@ Diamant d'or, Strasbourg
First part of the concert of Michel Henritzi on invitation of Kreis / Collectif continu

@ Salon d'art contemporain de Colombes
Exhibition and sale of paintings

@ Payra-sur-l'Hers
Auction of paintings and drawings at the closing festival of the Saint-Henri residence

@ CEEAC, Strasbourg
Presentation of my piece "Optical wave" and performance "A propos du geste" during the exhibition "Le seuil" (Curator Simon Marini)

@ ZKM, Karlsruhe
Exhibition of my piece "Optical wave".
Festival "Next_Generation 7."

@ TJP, TNS and University of Strasbourg
Various performative and musical performances as part of the week of international meetings "Corps Objet Image", organized by the TJP

@ Cooperative, Strasbourg
Performance with the group "Phonon" as part of the festival "Ososphere", whose radio play was broadcast on "Radio en construction",

@ MAMCS Strasbourg
Phonon #4, solo performance "Le doigt"


@ Hear Mulhouse
Diffusion of personal and common pieces following a workshop, diffusion of Franscico Meirino's pieces, during "Tranches de quai #31"

@ La Chaufferie Strasbourg
Reading of my text "C'est par ou l'entrée?", Phonon #3




@ La Chaufferie Strasbourg
Phonon #2, "Ourdir" joint performance with Maurin Bonnet, Mahé Cabel, Aimé Poltanski

@ Salle de l'Aubette, Strasbourg
"Untilted", concert performed during the evening "Dadarama" as part of the festival "Exhibitronic"

@ NaMiMa Gallery, Nancy
Exhibition of one of my drawings during the exhibition "Bureau de dessin, et inversement"

@ Le Shadok, Strasbourg
Exhibition of my piece "Optical Wave" during the sound exhibition "Shared Voids" as part of the festival "Electric Resonances"

@ La Chaufferie, Strasbourg
Phonon #0, Live concert "Der schrei





@ MAMCS Strasbourg
Live concert "Der schrei" , Around the exhibition of Philippe Lepeut "Listen to the quiet voice"

@ La Chaufferie, Strasbourg
Curator of the space "Under construction" with Lino Pourquié, Mélanie Giraud and Lucie Euzet. First performances of the live concert "Der Schrei"




@ Institute of Physics of Strasbourg
Installations and concerts, during the night of the museums. (With Simon Jerez, Clémentine Lataillade and Lucie Cardinal for the scenography, Maurin Bonnet for his own sound installations)



@ City Hall of the 5th, Lyon
Participation in the exhibition "Aperçus"


CONTACT ME     Tel : 06 66 76 78 03

© 2023 par Henry Garcia. Créé avec

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